How to Guide for Creating XML Sitemaps

Jeff Ross
05/06/2023 3:47:00 PM Comment(s)

Give engines instructions needed for indexing your website...

Creating an XML sitemap helps search engines understand the structure and content of your website, making it easier for them to crawl and index your pages. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create an XML sitemap:

Step 1: Understand XML Sitemap Structure

XML sitemaps follow a specific structure. Each URL entry contains information such as the URL itself, the last modified date, change frequency, and priority. Here's an example of a basic XML sitemap structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

Step 2: Determine the URLs to Include

Identify the URLs you want to include in your XML sitemap. These can be your main website pages, blog posts, product pages, or any other relevant URLs. Make a list of these URLs to include in the sitemap.

Step 3: Generate the XML Sitemap

You can manually create the XML sitemap using a text editor, or you can use online sitemap generator tools or content management systems (CMS) plugins that automatically generate and update the XML sitemap for you.

If creating it manually, open a text editor and start with the XML declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Next, define the `<urlset>` element with the XML namespace:
<urlset xmlns="">

Within the `<urlset>` element, add the `<url>` elements for each URL entry. Replace the example URLs, last modified dates, change frequencies, and priorities with your own information:



Repeat the `<url>` element structure for each URL you want to include.

Step 4: Save and Validate the XML Sitemap

Save the XML file with a ".xml" extension, such as "sitemap.xml". Next, validate your XML sitemap using online XML validators to ensure it follows the correct syntax and structure.

Step 5: Submit XML Sitemap to Search Engines

Upload the XML sitemap to the root directory of your website. For example, if your domain is "," the XML sitemap URL will be "". Once uploaded, notify search engines about your sitemap by submitting it through their respective webmaster tools or search console.

Step 6: Maintain and Update the XML Sitemap

Regularly review and update your XML sitemap whenever you add,modify, or remove pages on your website. This ensures that search engines have the most up-to-date information about your site. Here are a few additional tips for managing your XML sitemap:

1. Set the Last Modified Date: Update the `<lastmod>` element for each URL whenever you make significant changes to the corresponding page. This helps search engines prioritize crawling recently updated content.

2. Define Change Frequency: The `<changefreq>` element indicates how often the page's content typically changes. Choose from options like "always," "hourly," "daily," "weekly," "monthly," "yearly," or "never" based on the frequency of content updates.

3. Assign Priority: The `<priority>` element assigns a priority value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate the relative importance of a URL compared to other URLs on your site. Higher values indicate higher priority. Use this as a general guideline, as search engines may not strictly follow priority values.

4. Split into Multiple Sitemaps: If your website has a large number of pages or includes different sections, you can split your XML sitemap into multiple files. Create a sitemap index file that references multiple sitemap files, each containing a subset of URLs.

5. Regularly Monitor Errors: Keep an eye on any errors or warnings reported by search engines or webmaster tools related to your XML sitemap. Fix any issues promptly to ensure search engines can crawl and index your pages effectively.

Remember, an XML sitemap is a valuable tool for search engine optimization, but it's just one aspect. Ensure your website has a well-structured navigation, proper internal linking, and high-quality content to maximize its visibility and ranking potential.

Jeff Ross