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  • About Us

    Welcome to a world, where innovative web design meets unprecedented ease. 

    Read below to discover what makes us a leading provider in web design and see how we are revolutionizing the web design industry. 
  • Why Your Here

Press Play Button, To Hear a Message from Morpheus...

I'm thrilled to introduce myself and share my passion for web design with you. With over 25 years of experience in the field, I have witnessed the evolution of the internet and its impact on businesses firsthand.

Throughout my career, I have encountered numerous challenges when dealing with web design companies. Despite their promises, I often find myself disappointed with their services. It seems like they charge exorbitant prices for a website that lacks substance and fails to deliver the desired results. The turnaround time for even basic mock-ups can take weeks, leaving me uncertain about the outcome. Sometimes when a mock-up was no good, we would go back and forth making the process longer.

The many years of frustrations and disappointments with web design companies has finally pushed me to take matters into my own hands. I have embarked on a mission to create a better, easier, and faster system for web design. The result is the Web Design Matrix concept, born out of a desire to provide a hassle-free comprehensive solution under one roof.

The Web Design Matrix eliminates the need to juggle between multiple service providers. No longer will you have to shop at different places for web design, graphic design, content creation, and SEO. I understand the importance of efficiency and convenience, and my goal is to simplify the entire process for you.

What truly sets the Web Design Matrix apart from the competition is our unwavering commitment to providing a truly immersive experience like no other. I believe in putting you first, which is why I created a unique set of features to help guide you through the process. First, I provide a free consultation to understand your specific needs and goals. This allows me to tailor our services to suit your business perfectly.

Our customer intake form ensures that I have a clear understanding of your requirements from the very beginning. Our homepage planning and content creation tool makes it easier for you to collaborate with us in crafting engaging and impactful content for your website.

Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of our service is the live screen sharing sessions. During these sessions I build your website right in front of you. This level of transparency and involvement ensures that you are part of the creative process, and it gives you the opportunity to provide immediate feedback and suggestions.

With the Web Design Matrix, you can expect a fast, efficient, and frustration-free workflow. Our goal is to exceed your expectations by delivering websites that are not only visually stunning but also functionally robust and optimized for sales and search engines. We understand the importance of a strong online presence in today's digital landscape, and we are here to help you achieve it.

We build single page sites all the way up to huge corporate sites with Ecommerce and 100's of pages.  Whatever your needs are, we have you covered.

Thank you for considering the Web Design Matrix Team for your web design needs. We look forward to collaborating with you and creating the website of your dreams.

Jeff Ross


What makes the Web Design Matrix a Leading Provider in the Industry?

Our streamlined processes along with our willingness to let you pitch in and contribute via live screen sharing, clearly separates us from our competition.

When combining with our vision, our mission, our values, our strategy, and our strength... working with the Web Design Matrix is a no-brainer.

Read further to learn more about the Web Design Matrix and discover how we can build your new website quickly with minimal hassle.

Learn More

Jeff's Vision - make life easy

My vision is to make designing your new website easier than you ever imagined possible.  I want to make the process as fun as possible with minimum frustration.

Mission - industry leader

My mission to be a trend setter, not just a leader in the industry.

Values - full transparency

My values are to always give a fair and honest service at a fair and honest price.

Strategy - the matrix

My overall strategy uses our Web Design Matrix for the web designing, our Biz Matrix for business operations, and the Grand Matrix for better life and work synergy.

Strength - empathy

My strength is my decades of experience along with how I understand and empathize with the frustrations of trying to build your own site, with trying to find a web designer, with deciding what to include on your site, and with not getting enough of your own design input. Not to mention, the added frustrations of being charged $100's per month just for website auditing and SEO tools. 

More About the Web Design Matrix

At the heart of our vibrant organization is an unwavering vision: To make designing your new or existing website easier than you ever imagined. We strive to reshape the landscape of web design and development, breaking down the barriers that often exist between ideas and their online manifestations. We aim to empower individuals and businesses, enabling them to create digital footprints that reflect their true selves or brands without the common complications of technology.

Our mission isn't merely to exist as a leader in the industry; we aspire to be the trendsetters, the pioneers who challenge the status quo. We're dedicated to driving innovation and setting the standards in web design and development. It's our firm belief that through creativity and forward-thinking, we can revolutionize the way digital spaces are designed and experienced.

Our core values center around fair and honest service. We stand by the conviction that everyone deserves transparent, quality service at a reasonable price. This principle guides every transaction, every interaction, and every decision we make. It's our promise to you that we'll always act with integrity, fairness, and utmost respect for your visions and budget.

Our innovative approach to fulfilling our vision, mission, and values involves three distinct strategies. The first, our Web Design Matrix, offers a meticulous yet straightforward approach to web design, ensuring your website accurately mirrors your vision. Our Biz Matrix streamlines business operations, driving efficiency and profitability. Lastly, our Grand Matrix targets life and work synergy, because we believe that a balanced lifestyle cultivates creativity and productivity. 

Our strength lies in our empathy and understanding. We know the frustrations associated with trying to build a website, the challenges in finding the right web designer, the desire for having meaningful input, and the unfair costs for design tools, SEO subscriptions, and programming. That's why we've dedicated our services to be different—to be better. We're here to alleviate these frustrations, making your web design and development process not only efficient but enjoyable.

Join us as we reimagine the world of web design and development. We are committed to making your journey with us not just a service but an enriching experience. Together, we'll shape the digital landscape and turn your visions into reality.

Meet Your Favorite New Web Designer

Jeff Ross

Let's Build Your New Site Together!

Are you looking for someone who is passionate about building websites? Have you ever had the experience of watching a professional web designer build your website right in front of you? This is exactly what I do, I will share my screen with you and let you watch, as I build your new website. This way we can collaborate and share ideas in real-time.

How the Process Works:

I have created a detailed customer intake form and a homepage content creation form along with web design packages to help us get started as quick and easy as possible. Once you have completed these three forms, I will be armed with enough knowledge to jump on a live screen share session. To make life easy, here is the option to schedule your web design sessions as needed. We will typically only need to have screen share sessions for your frontpage, about page, and contact page.  Once these pages are done, you can decide if you want to watch or participate with building the rest of your webpages.

Every website is unique, However, below is a typical workflow...

Web Design Workflow (1 Build, 2 Monetize, 3 Optimize)


PART A. Frontpage Intro: (Attention and Interest)

I have geared questions on the intake forms to flow in order from the top down.  This is the same order and fashion I like to build websites, (top to bottom) Your logo, tagline, navigation menu, main header, and sliders are the first thing someone sees at the top of your homepage, so it's critical for these items to get your visitor's attention, build interest, let them know who you are, and show what you do that's special.

PART B. Frontpage Body: (Desire, Credibility, Trust, and Action)

Next, I will build the main body of your site which can include 5-10 desire, trust, and credibility sections to help you build interest and desire on your front page. I will create much more than an empty shell, I will add headers, add images, and include content that helps to tell your story, generates desire, and get visitors to take action. 

PART C. Frontpage Footer:

I will finish designing your frontpage by designing a helpful footer that includes additional links and contact details. 

PART D. About Page: (More Credibility)

After the homepage, the About page is the second most important page for building your online credibility. 

PART E. Contact Page/Call to Action:

The contact page will automatically email you. I can create additional automation that stores leads in your CRM and allows you to get a text message and a phone call.



For those who want to sell products or services you will need to monetize your site with the ability to process payments. For this part of the web design process, we will NOT need to share screens.  Sit back and relax as me and my team program your custom order forms or online store to monetize your website. Payment gateway integration with PayPal, Stripe, etc. is included.  


Finishing Touches: (On-page SEO)

Final step is to make your site SEO friendly and to check for any spelling, grammatical, or coding errors.  This final phase often takes the most time. Don't worry, you get to skip watching the boring, tedious, and time-consuming processes like finding coding errors, checking for spelling and grammar mistakes, researching and inserting keywords, and writing page descriptions.  Please Note: Starter and Basic packages do NOT include ecommerce or seo (Phases 2 & 3)

Reach out to me today and let's get started on your new site.  
Sections I Like to Add to a Frontpage:
    1. Header
    2. Intro/Slider
    3. Benefits/Unique Sales Proposition
    4. As Seen On (TV, mag, podcast, blog, video)
    5. Services
    6. Product Comparision Chart
    7. How it Works/Step by Step/Diagrams
    8. FAQs
    9. Why Us/Awards
    10. Is This You?
    11. Photos/Portfolios/Before & After
    12. Partners
    13. Associations/Certifications/Awards
    14. Charities
    15. Testimonials/Comments/Reviews
    16. Action/Contact/Subscribe/Order

Pages I Like to Add to a Site:

    1. About
    2. Contact
    3. Benefits/Unique Selling Points
    4. Products/Services
    5. Pricing
    6. Order Page, Order Forms
    7. How it Works
    8. FAQs
    9. Why Us/Awards
    10. Is This You?
    11. Photos/Portfolios
    12. Partners
    13. Associations/Certifications/Charities
    14. Testimonials/Comments/Reviews
    15. Store/Shopping Cart
    16. Blog
    17. Members Only
    18. Login Page
Want to Know More?

My Web Design Experience:

I have designed 100's of websites since 1994 when I was an Internet Consultant in Austin, Texas for Trendz Media.  When I was studying Marketing at The University of Texas, I was honored to be voted as President of the Internet Society for Students (ISS) the largest student internet organization in America. The Internet Society for Students created face-to-face training workshops to teach students and professors how to build their own website.

My Experience with Technology:
  • INTERNET since 1995 -> Internet Access, Email, Web Design
  • IVR since 2000 -> Auto-Attendant, Voicemail, Call Recording
  • ECOM since 2003 -> Merchant Accounts, Shopping Carts
  • PBX since 2010 -> VoIP, Cloud Phone Service, Call Tracking
  • Since 2013 -> IVR Payments, Pay-by-Phone, Advice Lines

My Hobbies:
My favorite hobbies include watching movies, walking the dog, boating, swimming, woodworking, and producing electronic music.

Let's Turn Your Digital Dreams into Reality

Book Face-to-Face
Website Design Session Today!

1/2 Hour Screen Sharing Session - $45

1. BUY Session
2. SCHEDULE Session

Our Web Design Packages include a fair amount of screen sharing time already. If you would like more time, you may schedule additional web design sessions as needed.

Web Design Sessions - Just another awesome feature that separates us from everyone else.

Online Collaboration- Web design sessions allow for you to collaborate include your own unique sense of style.

Instant Real-time Feedback - Together we will elevate your brand's digital footprint, captivate your audience, and achieve exponential business growth.

Personal Touch - Who else works this closely with their clients?

We are the Trend Setters - Can you find a freelancer, web design company, or an agency who offers live screen sharing sessions and will actually design your website right in front of you?  Good luck finding one, we are the one and only, this is why we are Trend Setters.  

Calibrated Web Design Sessions - We can go really fast as you watch us blow your mind with our speed and precision, or we can adjust our pace and explain everything along the way like a live training session.

Let us build your website right in front of you as you watch in real-time!

25+ Years  Experience with  Web Design

Real-Time Website Design with Screen Sharing

Certified Search Engine Marketing Specialist